Oakley Vale Christmas round up

Christmas festivities have been in full swing at Oakley Vale Academy with a series of concerts and celebrations including a Christmas fair.
Christmas festivities have been in full swing at Oakley Vale Academy with a series of concerts and celebrations including a Christmas fair.
Reception class invited their families to a lovely singalong while Year 1 performed in the ‘Ralph the Reindeer’ play. Year 4s had a Christingle service after school and sang ‘Away in a Manger’ by candlelight. They also went along to Sandalwood Court to sing to the local residents.
Then the week was rounded off with a special festive Christmas dinner for 300 people before all the fun of Christmas Fair where there was a cake sale, marshmallow snowmen on sale, competitions including ‘Guess the Weight of the Christmas Cake’ and a design a plate stall. With hot dogs and refreshments on sale and queues to see Father Christmas in the igloo Oakley Vale celebrated the festive season in fine style.
We wish all of you and your families a very safe and happy Christmas and look forward to welcoming you all back next year!