Curriculum Day at Oakley Vale Primary School

Nearly 80 parents and carers attended our recent curriculum day so they could hear about all the curriculum changes and innovations and see what their children got up to in the classroom.
Nearly 80 parents and carers attended our recent curriculum day so they could hear about all the curriculum changes and innovations and see what their children got up to in the classroom.
Vice Principal Katie Mason did a presentation, which included a video from Ofsted detailing changes to the Ofsted framework. She also ran through how the staff have collaborated on planning and implementing schemes of work and which topic each Year Group is currently working on.
She said: ‘Ofsted need to make sure that school experience that we are offering your children is not just offering a small bit of the curriculum but a really broad range of things from Reception to Year 6. Most of the year groups have got at least three topics throughout the year and as it is an Olympic year next year the whole school will have a focus on that as well. We are very much at the beginning of the journey of what this new curriculum will look like.’
She showed videos of children talking about what they had enjoyed most in their topic work in the classroom and spoke about the planning sessions that the teachers had done, both in school and with colleagues across the Trust.
Afterwards Mrs Mason said: ‘It was a real pleasure to welcome so many parents and carers to our school and share our plans for the exciting topic work that we are planning. They saw a huge range of classroom activities and really enjoyed taking part and supporting their children’s learning. We want every topic to be enriching and exciting for our children and we hope we have communicated our enthusiasm and commitment so that parents understand what goes into making such a broad and balanced curriculum. This proved so popular that we will definitely make it a regular event in our calendar.’
To see a gallery of pictures from the event click here.