New topics at OVPS launched by the Looking Glass Theatre Company
Year 1 students at Oakley Vale Primary School were pronounced Junior Pirates by Captain Steve, who taught them the principles of piracy as an introduction to their new topic.
Steve, from Looking Glass Theatre Company in Northampton also worked with a colleague to bring Florence Nightingale to life for the Year 2 students who will be studying her this term as well.
Moles and Squirrels from Year 1 were put through their paces as pirates. Steve said: ‘I had to recruit the children and train them as pirates in order for them to be able to find the treasure. We taught them the pirate sounds, how to walk like a pirate and all the different parts of a ship. I put them to work and made them climb the rigging and scrub the deck. Then we had a go at pass the cannonball. I taught them a pirate song and, at the end of the day they helped me to find the hidden treasure.’
Later on Steve posed as a ‘time-traveller’ to tell the Florence Nightingale story to Owls’ and Swifts’ classes. He said: ‘We had various articles associated with Florence Nightingale hidden around the room and we discussed the articles to see if we could find the link to her. Florence Nightingale also came to the classroom to talk about her life and she taught the children how to wash their hands properly and how to put on a bandage.’
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