Meet the new Oakley Vale prefects

Well done to all the Oakley Vale Primary School students who have been appointed prefects for this year.
They submitted written applications and the names of the successful candidates were announced in assembly.
Many of them have done previously voluntary roles in the school before, as lunchtime buddies or on the School Council but, for some, it is the first time they have had an official role and they are all delighted.
Well done Year 5 students Esme Vodden, Myles Fisher, Filip Sitarz, Darcie-Jo Sharp and Anna Keogh and to Isabel Pinkerton, Alexandra Poklembova, Darcie McAllister, Erin Hope, Vaughan Eadie and Danielle Mwarewangepo from Year 6.
Isabel said: ‘I wanted to do the job because I like to help the school organise different things. If people have problems then they can come to us to help out and I don’t mind giving up some of my time.'
Esme said: ‘This is my first role and I was shocked when I was chosen! I am looking forward to children being able to come up and speak to me about things.’
Darcie said: ‘It is about trying to make the school better than it already is by arranging different activities and helping with any jobs that people need. I like being helpful, I am quite organised and I am good at speaking if anyone has any questions.’
Danielle said: ‘I have been at Oakley Vale Primary since the end of Year 2 and everyone is really friendly and helpful. I wanted to be a prefect as I have had roles before like lunchtime buddy, class ambassador and a member of the School Council.'
Anna said: ‘I have three other jobs in school – digital leader, sports crew and little ambassador but they are not as big as a prefect so when I found out I got the job I was really excited!’